Creating a virtuous network of collaborations between the public and private sectors, between universities and businesses, to advance research in the field of hydraulics—each according to their expertise, each according to their needs.
This is how, for years now, prestigious entities in the sector have been working together, such as the Enzo Ferrari Department of Engineering in Modena at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, thanks to Professor Massimo Borghi; the Vehicle Hydraulics Laboratory at UniMORE, coordinated by Professor Barbara Zardin; and SmartFluidPower Srl, a company founded in 2018 as a spin-off of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with Giovanni Cillo as its president.
And it is precisely him who is here to explain in detail the objectives and outcomes of the recent project carried out in collaboration with the Modena-based company Vis Hydraulics, led by Adamo Venturelli.
Read the full interview.