The goal is to offer the world of Fluid Power a simple and cost effective tool that simplifies the design process, allowing companies to verify and evaluate the functionality and performance of their systems before the experimental testing phase.
The approach is the lumped parameter one, useful for analysing the dynamic behaviour of systems of any type. The proposed solution is a simulation software that can be easily integrated into the design flow: a digital twin of the component or system is created, always integrated with a customized interface that simplifies its use in order to make it accessible to all company levels.
All of this, thanks to a team that involves professionals who have been working in the fluid power sector for over thirty years, such as Massimo Borghi, professor in the scientific sector of Fluid Machines at the Enzo Ferrari Engineering Department in Modena since 2001, as well as professor of Machines and Energy Systems and Hydraulics in the Mechanical Engineering degrees course at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. On these premises, SmartFluidPower Srl was born in April 2018, as a spin-off of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Among the watchwords: innovation, adaptability and energy saving. We talked about it with Giovanni Cillo, president and legal representative of SmartFluidPower srl.
Read the full interview.